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Aptech launches India First Holistic end-end Virtual Production Academy

Aptech launches India First Holistic end-end Virtual Production Academy

Aptech is proud to announce the launch of India's first holistic end-end virtual production academy in Mumbai, ‘The Virtual Production Academy by Aptech’. The brand aims to create a talent pool of skilled professionals harnessing the power of new-age virtual production techniques that is revolutionizing the process of film-making and content creation today.


The main features of The Virtual Production Academy by Aptech that sets it apart from its counterparts are a range of cutting-edge technologies, including an LED volume wall for immersive virtual environments, a hybrid virtual production floor, live broadcasting, and event production capabilities. The academy provides hands-on experience with DMX-controlled studio lighting setups, 12K film camera workflows and motion tracking solutions. Students of the academy will benefit experiencing the performance capture suits, VR scouting, and state-of-the-art workstations in dedicated labs.