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Aptech Career Quest and Graduation Day Celebrates Student Achievements with exciting Scholarship

Aptech Career Quest and Graduation Day Celebrates Student Achievements with exciting Scholarship

Aptech proudly hosted another successful edition of the Career Quest and Graduation Day, marked by significant milestones and the presence of distinguished guests. This year, over 150 students celebrated their graduation, symbolizing their readiness to embark on promising careers. The event was graced by a representative from Middlesex University, London, who shared invaluable insights into the advantages of credit transfer and degree pathway options available to Aptech and Arena students, enhancing their educational trajectories. Furthermore, select students were thrilled to receive scholarships, opening doors to new learning opportunities.


Dr. Anuj Kacker, CEO of Aptech, attended the event in Qatar, where he addressed the graduates and the audience, imparting words of encouragement and motivation. His presence underscored the importance of education and the impact of Aptech's programs on shaping future professionals.


The event was not only a celebration of academic achievements but also a testament to Aptech’s commitment to providing comprehensive educational experiences that bridge the gap between academic knowledge and industry demands. The successful gathering highlighted the collaborative efforts of Aptech and Middlesex University, London, in fostering an environment that supports student success and career readiness.