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Arena Multimedia commemorates 25 years of training, skill building and enabling careers worldwide.

Arena Multimedia commemorates 25 years of training, skill building and enabling careers worldwide.

Arena Animation, a trendsetter with a global reckoning in non-formal academic curriculum within the Media & Entertainment space has completed 25 years of training, skill building and enabling illustrious careers in India. It is gratifying to note that almost 1/3rd of India’s independence is spent by a home grown brand -Arena Animation in laying the foundation of employability and skill building globally. Coming from the house of Aptech, a pioneer in the non -formal vocational training business in the country for over 3 decades established its media & entertainment brand – Arena Animation in the year 1996. ARENA Animation today, has an extensive network of centers, presence in over 18 countries and has trained over 4,50,000* students globally.


Dr. Anil Pant, Managing Director and CEO said, “We take pride in what we’ve been able to do with Arena Animation over the last 25 years. Every stakeholder involved - be it our Students, Business Partners, Recruiters, Employees or Shareholders have had equal roles to play and have been significant pillars of strength in this journey of skill building and enabling careers. We place our heartfelt gratitude to our business partners; also, a big thanks to our dedicated counsellors & trainers in the centers doing their best to offer career guidance and mentorship to our students. Over the last few years, most of Arena’s in-class enrolments are placed in the salary median of Rs. 25,000 going as high as Rs. 60,000 per month for the profiles of Animators, VFX artists & Motion Graphics artists and we are ambitiously committed to make 100% of our in-class enrolments secure placements with increasing salaries over the next 5 years. The brand is driven to fulfil this dream courtesy the massive growth trajectory AVGC sector is witnessing despite the given circumstances.”